
Le Grotticelle is more than just a Pizzeria, a Restaurant and a Country House: it is a real work of art born from the hands of dad Vittorio, who for many years dreamed and imagined this place.

A favorite place for him and his brother, since when they were children they used to play and rest there under the rowan tree, while their parents were intent on weighing the products.

From an early age, dad Vittorio nurtured a strong passion for sculpture: he was only a child when he took his flock to graze on the mountains and passed the time engraving on wooden tablets or on the stone of the rocks scenes that run before his eyes.
His extraordinary natural gift led him to learn autodidactically the art of sculpture and become one of the most appreciated artists in the Vallo di Diano, donating his marble works to many municipalities in the area.

Le Grotticelle is, without a doubt, his most important work of art where every corner is steeped in history and meaning, starting with the place where it stands: the first stone of Le Grotticelle was laid where once there was the farmyard and where today the ancient tree of rowan continues to give shade with its thick foliage.
The project of Le Grotticelle was completed after 10 years of long work, during which everything was studied and created with great attention to detail.
From the marble sculptures outdoor and indoor to the solid wood furniture, from the olive wood parquet to the hand-inlaid doors: everything at Le Grotticelle was handcrafted by dad Vittorio, who entrusted his teachings and values to the marble.
There are the two marble lions at the entrance, which represent the two Rumolo brothers and symbolize the pride of their origins; there are the ten arches that adorn the castle and each represent a member of their families; there are the capitals of the columns that bear the motif of the knot, expressing the essential value of the family union.

These values ​​written in stone are the values ​​that we pass on from generation to generation and that we love to share with each of you.