Caggiano is a small village perched on Monte Capo La Serra, along the Lucanian Apennines, on the border of the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park.

This is a territory that still preserves its traditions and its millenary history, which is testified by its artistic heritage.

In the historic center of Caggiano it is still possible to glimpse its medieval nature in the urban apparatus: bottlenecks, arches, vaults, stone portals bearing friezes and ancient coats of arms remind us of how much history has passed through the alleys of this village.

But there is one more reason to set off to discover Caggiano, and it is its link with the Knights Templar, who descending southwards and then setting sail towards the Holy Land, stopped in Caggiano to find refreshment and rest before resuming the journey to Jerusalem.

In addition to the 13th century Mansio dei Templari, in Caggiano it is also possible to visit:

  • Castello di Caggiano, built between the 10th and 11th centuries by Guglielmo di Caggiano, a member of the family of Robert Guiscard. After having fulfilled a defensive function for centuries, during the 15th century it was transformed into a noble residence. Today it is owned by the Municipality and houses, inside, a permanent exhibition entitled “The Templars look at Caggiano” which retraces the traces they left.
  • Mother church of the Santissimo Salvatore, dating back to the 11th-12th century, which houses numerous paintings and which was also a cathedral for a long time;
  • Church of Santa Caterina, built in the 11th century to allow the Greek-Orthodox cult of the population of Caggiano;
  • Church of Santa Maria dei Greci, datable to the 6th century, considered the first church built in the town even if finished many centuries later

Finally, Caggiano is an excellent destination for excursions and trekking, with the possibility of choosing different routes: among them, the Melandro itinerary is not to be missed, with the wonderful gorges carved by the river in the limestone rock and the prehistoric cave of Zachito.


Inside the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park there are the unmissable caves of Pertosa located below the Alburni Mountains. The Pertosa Caves are cavities of karst origin which are located along the left bank of the Tanagro river and which have a characteristic that makes them unique: they are among the rare conformations of marine origin to have a navigable watercourse under their vault.

  • The Pertosa Caves are located just 15 minutes by car from Le Grotticelle Country House and offer visitors two distinct itineraries.
  • Main itinerary: suitable for everyone, it consists of a guided tour by boat along the Negro River. This route crosses the Hall of Wonders, then continues by boat to the Grand Entrance and the Throne Room and finally reaches the evocative Great Hall among stalactites, stalagmites and lights that enhance the caverns in a very suggestive way.
  • Speleological itinerary for experts: reserved exclusively for professional speleologists

The Pertosa caves can be visited by reservation and the ticket also includes admission to the Soil Museum and the Speleo-Archaeological Museum (which can be visited within 48 hours of the ticket issue date).

For more information on costs, timetables and events, please consult the official website


The Certosa di San Lorenzo, commonly known as Certosa di Padula, is a UNESCO World Heritage site; is located in Padula, in the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park, half an hour’s drive from Le Grotticelle Country House.

The Certosa di Padula is the second largest Carthusian monastery in Europe and boasts the largest cloister in the world, with an area of ​​15,000 square meters, built to unite the cloistered area with the outermost area and embellished by two majestic porticoes .

In total, the monastery covers an area of ​​over 50,000 m² and includes an entrance courtyard with work areas, a church, four cloisters and an Italian garden.

The Certosa is divided, as per the Carthusian tradition, into two main spaces: one dedicated to contemplation and one dedicated to work. The latter includes the environments of granaries, pharmacies, laundries, vegetable gardens and stables, or all those activities necessary for the daily sustenance of the monks. The part of contemplation instead includes the monks’ cells and the spaces dedicated to reflection and meditation.

Its characteristics of architectural magnificence, together with the wealth of treasures preserved inside, make the Certosa di San Lorenzo in Padula one of the monastic complexes of greatest religious, historical and architectural interest in Europe and beyond.

Many illustrious guests have come here over the centuries, including Charles V, emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, who stopped at the Certosa with his army in 1535 while returning from the conquest of Tunis. It is said that on the occasion of his visit a giant omelette was prepared consisting of over 1,000 eggs.

For detailed information on opening days and times, please consult the official page


The Archaeological Park of Paestum is a historical site of considerable importance and therefore recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

It encloses what was once the ancient city of Poseidonia, founded by the Greeks in the 7th century B.C. ,  important center of all Magna Graecia, so much so that it was well fortified.

What is most striking about this site is the state of conservation of three magnificent temples: the temple of Poseidon, the temple of Hera and the temple of Athena, all in Doric style.

Their mighty structure stands out inside the Archaeological Park and reminds visitors of the greatness of this city in its most flourishing period.

In addition to the temples there is another priceless treasure, preserved in the Archaeological Museum of Paestum and it is the famous Tomba del Tuffatore, very important not only for the artistic realization as it has pictorial decorations inside, but also because it is a testimony of the new theories on the afterlife that were spreading in the period in which the meeting between the Greeks and Lucanians was taking place.

After the Lucanians, the Romans also arrived in Paestum, traces of which are visible today in the city walls, in the area of ​​the forum, in the amphitheater, in the paved streets and in the early Christian basilica that stands just outside the ancient walls.

For more detailed information on opening hours and how to visit, please consult the official site


Founded by the Focei (a population that came from present-day Turkey) around the middle of 500 B.C., the ancient city of Elea with its remains represents the second archaeological site within the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park.

The city became very strong thanks to a mercantile economy and the production of oil and salted fish, as well as the construction of very powerful ships.

Elea also became famous throughout the ancient world for the good laws that governed it, introduced by the Greek philosopher Parmenides, known for being the founder of the “Eleatic school” which greatly influenced Greek philosophical thought. One of the brightest pupils of the Eleatic school was Zeno of Elea, considered by many to be the “father of precision mathematics”.

Among the most important remains of the archaeological park of Velia are the Porta Rosa (the first example of a round arch built in Italy), the acropolis with the Torre di Velia, the Term Adrianee, the furnace of Velia (used to produce bricks) and the remains of the battle of Alalia.

The Elea-Velia Archaeological Park is a must not only for history buffs but also for those who love trekking and nature walks, as it has a truly fascinating path from an environmental point of view.

For more information on this archaeological site, we invite you to visit the official website


The Cilento Coast maintains its wild character while inviting you to indulge in a slow and relaxed tranquility. Every year its beaches are awarded the Blue Flag, which certifies the quality of its crystal clear waters.

From the Le Grotticelle Country House you can go by car to discover the most evocative coastal villages and relax on the most beautiful and popular beaches of the Cilento coast.

  • Scario: Marcellino beach, Gabbiani beach, Tragara beach
  • Palinuro: Buondormire bay, Ficocelle beach, La Marinella beach, the Blue Grotto of Palinuro
  • Camerota: Cala Bianca, Baia degli Infreschi, Lentiscelle beach
  • Ascea: Torre del Telegrafo, Ascea marina beach
  • Beaches of Acciaroli & Pioppi
  • Castellabate: Ogliastro Marina beach, Pozzillo beach
  • Agropoli: Bay of Trentova
  • Paestum: Licinella beach and Paestum Tower

But the Cilento coast is not only synonymous with pristine beaches. Here it is possible to enjoy countless outdoor activities: from horseback riding on the beach to bike rides, travelers who love more dynamic activities will find various options for discovering this wonderful area.

Even the trekking routes that reach the sea offer unforgettable emotions: among them, the Sentiero degli Innamorati in Ascea deserves a special mention.


The Amalfi Coast is undoubtedly one of the most famous destinations in the world. The picturesque towns that border it welcome travelers in a magical atmosphere that captures all the visitors.

The most convenient way to visit the Amalfi Coast starting from the Le Grotticelle Country House is to reach the maritime station of Salerno by car (which is only 1 hour away) and from there to take the ferry that will take you to the most important villages of the Amalfi Coast.

If, on the other hand, you prefer to continue by car, the journey will give you a succession of breathtaking panoramas.

Let yourself be enchanted by the timeless wonder of the villages of Positano, Amalfi, Ravello, Cetara, Vietri sul Mare.Each of these towns holds unique beauties that earned it the nickname of “Divine Coast”.